The Macaroni Grill


200 g elbow macaroni (boiled until cooked)

½ onion fruit (medium size thinly sliced)

1 stalk spring onion (sliced ​​thin)

Coriander leaves (finely chopped)
1 piece of carrot (cut into dice, half-cooked boiled drained)

Corn 1 piece (crushed)

10 seeds beef meatballs (sliced)

Eggs 5 eggs

Tomato sauce, chili sauce to taste

Pepper, salt, chicken flavoring to taste

Processed cheese (grated)


1. Macaroni + onions + green onion + celery + carrot + corn + meatballs in mixed and stirred. Season with pepper, salt, flavoring to taste. Add the eggs, stirring until the eggs together with the material.

2. Heat the pan or baking sheet coated with a little margarine.

3. Enter 2 / 3 of batter into pan, smooth. Give the tomato sauce and chili, and grated cheese. Burn up to stengah mature.

4. Add the remaining batter and put grated cheese on top. Then come back until cooked grilled

5. Grilled eggs ready to eat macaroni.

Nyammmiiii ... ^ _ ^

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