Tape Raisin Cake


* 6 eggs
* 300 gr tape, remove the fiber and crushed
* 250 gr butter
* 100 cc of thick coconut milk
* 180 gr flour
* 150 gr sugar
* 100 gr raisins
* salt to taste


1. Put raisins in a bowl, then sprinkle with raisins dengantepung, set aside
2. Mix tape that has been crushed with thick coconut milk and little salt. Filter
3. Beat butter with sugar until soft, then put the dough tape, beat back
4. Enter the 2 tablespoons of wheat flour of 180 g which had been prepared while continuing to be shaken
5. Add the eggs one at a time while continuing to be shaken.
6. Pour the remaining flour and stir well. Once well blended, put raisins. Stir again until raisins are spread evenly.
7. Pour batter in a round mold (the middle hole). Cover a baking sheet printing premises and spread with butter. Oven until cooked.

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